Duration of training: 3 years
Learning places: company and vocational school
IT Specialist | System Integration (m/f/d)

Your contact:
Andrea Hauschel
Senior Human Resources Specialist
+49 7666 908-507
Job profile
IT Specialist in an industrial company using SCHÖLLY as an example
SCHÖLLY is a family-run, market-oriented industrial company. We manufacture and distribute visualization systems and are the world market leader in 3D endoscopy. Our focus is on Medical Endoscopy and Visual Inspection. The IT specialists with a focus on systems integration support us in all business processes with information and communication solutions. For this purpose, they network IT components to form complex IT systems. They also advise and train IT users.
Activities / Job profile
Training as an IT specialist can be carried out in the fields of application development or system integration. SCHÖLLY trains IT specialists for system integration. IT specialists plan and configure IT systems. As in-house service providers, they set up and operate and manage these systems according to internal customer requirements. This also includes identifying and correcting errors systematically and using expert and diagnostic systems. They advise internal and external users on the selection and use of devices and solve application and system problems. In addition, they create system documentation and conduct user training.
Where are the opportunities to work?
IT specialists specializing in systems integration work in companies in almost all sectors of the economy. They usually work on the computer or telephone users to advise them in case of acute application problems.
What is important?
If troubleshooting proves difficult, you need perseverance. Care, flexibility and service orientation are required when setting up complex systems. The school subjects of mathematics and computer science are particularly important: those who have a logical understanding and programming knowledge have an advantage. Knowledge of English is required for reading specialist literature or user manuals.
Experience report
A experience report from a former trainee:
During my training as an IT specialist in the field of systems integration, I was able to work in many areas at SCHÖLLY and their
Get to know the IT department. Right from the start, I was given the opportunity to gain deep insights into the technical background of the state-of-the-art server and network structure. For example, I was able to edit the configuration of the network switches (data distributors) and to create and distribute group policies, i. e. standard enterprise settings. I was able to draw on the in-depth knowledge of the department and thus had the opportunity to apply the skills I had learned at school in the company.
I was also allowed to work independently in end-user support without being left alone. In particular, this area of
The IT department at SCHÖLLY is very exciting, as not only the colleagues at the Denzlinger plants, but also the worldwide subsidiaries are centrally supported and supported. As a result, one quickly learns that working in IT support also strongly promotes interpersonal communication beyond cultural and linguistic boundaries.
Another special feature of the IT department at SCHÖLLY is the weekly meeting of all IT employees, at which everyone briefly explains their current projects and dates, thus ensuring that each employee receives an overview of the department’s current activities. As an apprentice, these meetings are particularly interesting because they also give you the opportunity to participate in interesting projects or to experience the decision-making process in many areas.
Overall, working and living in an IT department – especially at SCHÖLLY – is very varied and exciting. Contrary to the cliché of the retired IT man, you get to know a lot of colleagues all over the world, get an insight into their daily workflows and also get to know extended areas of IT, such as IT building technology or telephony systems.
Due to the good atmosphere both within the department and across departments, I always felt adequately challenged and supported during my apprenticeship and never felt like I was “just the apprentice. ” And this is the best way to prepare you for your professional life.