We advise you on key questions
Approval strategy
Regarding approval, you have a choice: You can purchase our products under our registrations and therefore enter a market quickly. Or your company can act as the manufacturer with your own registration on the market, which has different requirements and documentation needs depending on the country and regulatory body.
With both options, our salespeople and regulatory affairs specialists will gladly support you. They make direct submissions to agencies such as the FDA, CFDA, ANVISA, etc. and have contact with important authorities.
To be able to develop a suitable strategy for you, we analyze which products you are able to sell in which countries at which time and compare the registration options with the expected costs.
Service contracts
Maintenance contracts, service contracts for end clients, worry-free full service packages – which service contracts fit your concept and your client structure? We will gladly advise you on your options and recommend a suitable service contract for each product.
We would be happy to advise you personally. Simply send a message to service(at)schoelly.de