Good or defective?
How to make an exact decision with endoscopic inspections
Endoscopic inspections are carried out at different points in the production process. On the one hand, they are used during series production, before manufactured parts go through further cost-intensive production steps. On the other hand they find use as a final inspection, before products leave the company. For this reason, visual inspection is of great significance. With a suitable endoscopy system, tester can make clear decisions and assure that their company continues to deliver high-quality products in the long term.

Split Screen - reference Images during inspection
With the SplitScreen function of the inspection system FlexiVision 100 the screen can be split. Next to the live image, for example, a reference image can be placed for comparison. With reference photos showing possible defects and the target state inside the workpiece, the inspector can make clear decisions.

Video algorithms - optical enhancement of deviations in inspection images
Video algorithms can help prevent faulty parts from slipping through the quality control. Visual checks are influenced by human factors such as concentration fluctuations, pressure to perform, or the tester´s condition on that day. Through the use of video algorithms of the FlexiVision 100 inspection system, features in the inspection image can be optically enhanced and thus show clearly any deviations. This function is especially helpful with 100% testing and leads to quicker and more certain decisions about good parts and rejected parts.