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You are welcome to use the images and documents offered here free of charge in the context of editorial reporting in connection with SCHÖLLY, provided that the source is cited. If you would like to use our images for other purposes, for example for commercial use, please contact me: Ina Vosseler



Schölly Fiberoptic GmbH is a global family enterprise with its headquarters in Denzlingen, in the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg. The company's main focus is the engineering, registration, production and worldwide servicing of customer-specific visualization systems for the business fields of Medical Endoscopy and Visual Inspection.

The company was founded in 1973 and has about 550 employees worldwide. Together with the headquarters, the six sales and service branches are responsible for the support of globally operating customers as well as for the acquisition and development of new projects. Schölly invests approx. 10% of its annual turnover in innovations.

Press images

You are welcome to use the images and documents offered here free of charge in the context of editorial reporting in connection with SCHÖLLY, provided that the source is cited. If you would like to use our images for other purposes, for example for commercial use, please contact me: Ina Vosseler

Please pay attention to the given captions and indicate the following source: "Image: Schölly", if not defined otherwise. Thank you very much.

Press images of the Executive Management Board

Stefan Schnekenburger

Chairman of the Executive Board

Image: Schölly

Günter Olbrich

Image: Schölly

Current press images

Press release 06/10/2023

"Half a century Schölly: Company celebrates with family festival"

Check presentation to Matthias Schubien by Claudia Schölly-Holubarsch, Anna Maria Braun and Prof. Dr. Holger Reinecke (from left to right)

Image: Schölly

Press release 08/09/2023

"Eight young people start their training at Schölly - The first day was mastered by all of them bearishly well"

During the Schölly trainees’ day trip to Bad Rippoldsau-Schapbach

Image: Schölly

Press release 31/03/2022

"Long-time employees honored at Schölly"

Caption: Thomas Hilgendorf is honored by Regula Schölly and Markus Wintz, CFO, for 40 years of service

Image: Schölly

Press release 07/03/2022

"Donation to Salem International"

Caption: Volunteer David with children in the children’s village SALEM-Uganda

Image: SALEM International GmbH

Press release 22/07/2021

"Donation for “Zusammen erLeben” association"

Caption: At the donation handover: from left to right, Monika Winkler, Christian Bauer and Lisa Winkler from Zusammen erLeben as well as Antje Springweiler, Sebastian Meyer, Veronika Ringwald and Michael Mattes, from Schölly.

Image: Schölly

Press release 14/07/2021

"Award of the IHK pin of honor in bronze"

Caption: Honorary pin in bronze to Bernhard Schweizer, presented by Richard P. Gütermann, Chairman of the Foreign Trade Committee IHK Südlicher Oberrhein

Image: Schölly

Press release 30/11/2020

"Ceremonial farewell of the robotics production team"

Caption: Farewell robotics production team

Image: Schölly

Press release 28/10/2020

"Schölly employee honored: With the company for 40 years"

Caption: Honor for 40 years with the company. From right to left: Regula Schölly, Mirko Beiser, Thanh Xuan Vi, Prof. Dr. Holger Reinecke.

Image: Schölly

Press release 18/10/2020

"Endoscopy with a difference"

Caption: Killer Shrimp Bodensee | Image: Aldebaran / Schölly

Image: Aldebaran / Schölly

Press release 17/02/2020

"Donation for association "einfach helfen!"

Caption: Handing over the donation: Ludwina Geiger, (second from left) and Christiane Knöfler (second from right) from "einfach helfen!"; From left to right: Erech Pierce, Antje Springweiler, Susanne Schütz, members of the Schölly works council.

Image: Schölly

Press release 22/03/2019

"When it's Christmas again in March"

Caption: Handing over the donation: Kathrin Krause, 2nd board member (second from left), from left to right: Antje Springweiler, Erech Pierce, Julia Schellhammer, Schölly works council members

Image: Schölly

Press release 06/02/2019

"Generous donations for children and youth facilities"

Caption: At the donation handover (from left): Raymund Meier, Regula Schölly, Thomas Steiert, Claudia Schölly-Holubarsch, Ina Vosseler

Image: Schölly